AutoPartSource is an aftermarket undercar manufacturer/distributor. Headquartered in Richmond, Virginia, we specialize in brake, filtration, exhaust products, and PPE masks. The AutoPartSource product management team works directly with New World Friction's production team to quickly develop new applications. This unique relationship gives us (and our customers) a distinct first-to-market advantage with late-model brake applications. AutoPartSource services customers whose orders range from several line-items up to tractor-trailer size.
As of January 1, 2019, AutoPartSource became the prime manufacturing facility for our cabin air filters.

4605 Carolina Avenue Richmond, VA 23222 - Phone: (804) 329-3000
Distributed Brands & Products
APS proudly utilizes and partners with Hermitage Enterprises of Henrico County, VA for employment of value added, entry level workers. Our experiences have been solidly positive with this unique, trusted, appreciated, and dependable work force.
Hermitage and Cypress Enterprises’ mission is to provide vocational and day support services to citizens with intellectual disabilities who live in the Counties of Henrico, Charles City and New Kent. We Support, Educate, Train and Partner with both those we serve and the community to promote dignity and self sufficiency.